Game Developer & Professional Creative

Happy to see you here!

I'm a game developer and professional creative, running my own freelance sole proprietorship, specializing mostly in game, level and cinematic design.

Hope you'll find something that peaks your interest!

Level Design | Game Design | Cinematic Design

The House (2023)
Level Design | Game Design

Soaring Storm (2023)
Level Design | Game Design | UX Design

Editing | Photography | Writing

Modeling | Animation | Sound Design

Professional Work
Directing | Producing | Acting

Du var inte så jävla viktig ändå (2022)
Blender | Gimp 

Fan! Jag Tappade Bort Mig Själv Igen. (2022)
Blender | Krita  

Skriker jag nu så kanske någon hör mig (2022)
Blender | Gimp